Malice Mizer Q&A

pg. 18-19, 28-29

Malice Mizer Q&A

partial translation...

1. How long can you go without sleeping? What's your record as of now?
mana: can't
kozi: 5 days, according to the newspaper
yuuki: I fall asleep after I eat
kami: 2 days and then I was down!

2. If you could have one inhuman physical attribute, what would it be?
m: I don't really know
the branding of a sacrificial victim
y: toilet
ka: wings please

3. You have just been told that you must do a weekly television programme every Sunday at 7 o'clock. What would it be about?
m: strange illusions
ko: i
ndecypherable until further notice (maybe reborn samurai)
y: Love Attack 88...Yuuki vs. 88 Beautiful Women

ka: I can't tell you

4. Where's the first place you go in the convenience store?
m: I look for the "snack slice"
ko: the litter box (for children) [umm..well, there are pet litter boxes, but for children, well, no. Kozi's being silly]
ka: drinks

6. Creation and imagination, which one do you think of when you hear the word "souzou"? (can be written two different ways)
m: they're the same
ko: *he made a pun*
y: I hate puns [in Japanese, a pun simply means words that sound similar somtimes]

m: I don't really know
y: what's that suppose to mean?
ka: whichever

8. Were you popular in school?
m: bit by bit
indecypherable until further notice
y: I held the buckets
ka: Try to imagine me as a high school student

9. Out of all of the things that you have gotten so far what delighted you the most? What was the most worrisome?
m: There wasn't anything in particular
y: The entrance to an empty world

10. You've just taken over the world. What's the first thing you do?
m: rest
ka: I don't want it; those things don't make me happy

11. What months do you like? Which ones do you hate?
m: like -- spring, fall, dislike -- summer, winter
ko: like -- I always look forward to the fall, dislike -- winter
y: like -- winter, dislike -- summer
ka: like -- spring, dislike -- winter

12. What's important to you now?
m: being mysterious
indecypherable until further notice
y: my teeth
ka: kindness

13. What do you always drink?
ko: green tea *ocha cha yo - he made a pun*

y: oronamin C
a: melon milk

14. Black tea or Coffee?
m: black tea
*something about green tea*
y: coffee
ka: coffee

15. Which do you like best, a very cold room or a hot and humid one?
m: a cold room
y: 16°C
ka: I like comfortable rooms

16. Fish or meat?
m: 50/50
ko: cats
y: meat
ka: Definitely meat

17. How long would your ideal woman's hair be?
m: any length as long as it suits her
ko: I'd have to say long
y: Anything's fine as long as it looks good
ka: It would be nice if it were longer than mine...

18. Her ideal height and weight?
m: nothing in particular
ko: someone who matches me by 6 cm
y: Anyone shorter than me
ka: 162 cm, around 40 kg (
63 in. 90 lbs)

19. Do you like burning incense? What type?
m: not really
ka: of couse

20. Do you listen to music in the car? The radio?
m: I don't listen to anything
y: when I play my favorite CD I fall asleep so...

21. Aside from a driver's license, do you have any permits?
m: nothing really
ko: clowning licence
These days...I can't find any
ka: oh, tons!

23. Please list your three favorite movies.
m: "Beyond", "Paradise", and "The Bermuda Triangle"
ko: "Santasangure", "Faust", "WAX"...there are a lot of others left
ka: I shan't tell you

24. Do you have any pets? What are their names? Do you ever play with them?
m: No
ko: crazy cats! (zaku and lala)
y: ferret, sparring (?)
ka: I really want a butterfly

25. As a teacher, what subject would you teach?
m: the arts
ko: lunch and naptime
y: Anything's fine, as long as it's a girl's school
ka: I don't wanna

26. When have you thought "I'm the best!"?
m: when I make a decision
y: When I stood in front of the mirror
ka: I always suck, don't you think?

28. If you could say something to yourself from ten years ago, what would you say?
m: cheer up
y: have a little more fun
ka: hurry up and die already!!

29. Of all the member's clothes, what would you like to try wearing
m: eh
ko: Mana-chan's *undergarments* [I made a substitution due to personal biases]
y: I want to try designing an outfit and wearing that
ka: nothing in particular

30. For you, what is love?
m: believing in somebody
y: it's like glass
ka: It's a really deep subject so I can't explain it here

31. Where's your favorite place in Paris?
m: Notre Dame
y: the bathroom
ka: do I have to tell you that?

32. Of all the things people've said until now, which one caught your attention?
m: a pretty weird looking person told me "you're so uncool"
ko: I've...already...forgotten...hey,hey!
y: anytime when I felt they were looking down on me
ka: you're tender-hearted/fragile

33. What do you do to releive stress?
m: I frolic among nature [frolic, Mana, frolic for your's an old inside joke]
ko: the bon-dance
[ dance for the obon festival, festival of the dead]
y: I think
ka: I go to mainatron craze space

34. When you first met the members, what did you think was the best part?
m: we're finally doing this
ko: nani? nani? ii hanashi?
y: that there were other weirdos out there...
ka: well, I was just happy to meet everyone

35. Do you read the newspaper?
m: I don't
indecypherable until further notice
y: oh, look at the time...
ka: Nope

37. Is there anything you've seen about the other members that you shouldn't have? How'd you feel?
m: I can't say
ko: To speak of it here would mean DEATH
y: Mana changing *ho ho ho*
ka: *giggles*

38. Do you think anpanman's head is filled with koshi-an or
m: I don't know
y: I'm not still learning so I don't know
ka: Koshi-an

39. What do you spend the most money on now?
m: interior, retrogame
y: Things I can't remember why I bought
ka: My own time

40. When you wake up in the morning, what's the first thing you do?
m: move
y: smoke
ka: smoke

42. What would you do if you became I woman?
m: be sexy and pretty
ko: no bra boing attack!!

ka: fufufu...

43. Are you a cat type? Dog type?
m: well...
y: cat
ka: dog

44. What's the difference between "suki" and "aishiteru"? (
They both mean "love," but suki=little kid kind of "yay!" feeling, aishiteru is more close to a chaste love, more emotional and all that..)
m: suki = excited, aishiteru = trusting someone
ko: brush strokes
ka: that's hard, that is...

45. You wake up in the morning next to a strange woman. What do you do?
m: a double-take
indecypherable until further notice
y:eat chocolate
ka: eat

m: I'd like to fly
ka: I want to be able to understand people's hearts


48. When was your first date? Where did you go?
m: when I was youg. In the woods.
y: dunno
ka: second grade, coffee shop

51. What song do you like singing karaoke*?
m: terete zinzin
y: I don't do karaoke
ka: I sing about love~

52. Do you have any siblings? Are you the oldest?
m: san'nin, I'm the oldest (san is 3, and -nin is the counter for people)
ko: san'biki (
-biki is the counter for small mammals)
y: san'nin, I'm the oldest
ka: I dunno

53. Do you look more like your mother or father?
m: people say I look like my mom
ko: a mixture
y: both
ka: I dunno

54. What's your favorite flower?
m: blue flowers
ko: 002's flower
y: dried flowers~
ka: I suppose I have one (

55. Right now, were would you like to go the most?
m: Greece
ka: the sky

56. To you, what are women?
m: a mystery
ko:seductive miso soup
y: the basis of everything
ka: kinda strange, ne?

57. Are you currently collecting anything?
m: retro things
ko: skulls, grotesque things
y: yellow decorations
ka: money. I have $4

58. Is there anything you eat a lot?
m: vegetables
ko: anything
y: chocolate, like always
ka: meat

59. What television programs do you watch?
m: cooking shows
ko: Time Shock
y: don't watch tv
ka: nothing

60. Is there anything popular among everyone in the band?
m: no
ko: eating
y: contact
ka: "nani? nani? ii hanashi?"

61. Do you like older or younger women better?
m: either's fine
ko: naughty and well raised
y: age doesn't matter
ka: younger

62. Is there anything you'd like to ask your fans?
m: what'cha doing now?

63. Even if you'd been in love for a century, what's the one thing a person could do to make your love grow cold?
m: MK5 (umm...mortal kombat? I dunno, sorry)

64. Where are you the most relaxed?
m: in the middle of my heart
y: in the water
ka: minatron craze space

65. What's your catch-phrase?
m: sweet sexy pretty angel
ko: please don't feed the Kozi
y: nicotine, rolled up in rice bran
ka: fuurikazan (Be rapid like a strong wind ! Be quiet like a wood ! Be aggressive like a fire ! Be motionless like a mountain !)

66.Do you have any vices?
m: being a cormorant
ko: not going to the bathroom till I absolutely have to
y: forgetting to put out my cigarettes
ka: not telling

67. What's your favorite color?
m: deep blue
ko: actually, it's really...RED
y: yellow, orange
ka: purple, red

68. What do you wash first in the bath?
m: depends
ko: the cover
y: my left eye
ka: my head

69. Evening, night, morning, afternoon, when's your downtime?
m: whenever I feel like it
ko: which would you recommend?
y: late at night
ka: afternoon, evening

70.Do you have any fetishes?
m: eyes
ko: eyeballs
y: veins
ka: chests

71. Do you feel you're lacking something? What is it?
m: i've got people problems
y: a hand brake
ka: i cry too much

72. Who's your favorite radio voice/personality?
m: no one
ko: joe no hito
y: I dunno
ka: no one

73. What kinds of make-up do you use?
m: Shiseidou, mitsuyoshi, etc.
ko: expensive, like, convenience store stuff
y: different kinds
ka: not telling


* karaoke is Japanese! It means "kara", or empty, and "oke", or orchestra


That was a disaster. I think Kami came across pretty well when he answered the questions though. I kept this one just so you wouldn't have to go and buy the book (fan club magazines get a bit expensive)

I have a theory. Translating is like the GF's from Final Fantasy VIII. Just like the FF charactersand their GF's, the translator starts out with a specific compatibility level for each of the people she translates and can get better at them individually with practice. However, sometimes a person's compatibility with certain GF's will be so low that even practice does little to improve it. Kozi would have probably been rather entertaining but I didn't understand anything he said. Plus I need a better dictionary.


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